MXP Responder

The MXP has two major functions: (i) To provide an interface to an MX4428 responder (communications/power) loop, via which data gathered by the MXP may be transferred to the MX4428 Master for display, annunciation, and processing as appropriate. (ii) To provide an interface to the MX Analogue Loop. Data retrieved from the MX devices connected to the Analogue Loop is processed to determine the ALARM/NORMAL/FAULT status of each device, and this data is passed on to the MX4428 Master via the MX4428 Loop Interface. The Analogue Loop interface also allows outputs to be sent to those devices that support them, to initiate MX device tests, activate relays, etc.


The MXP is one printed circuit board (1901 213). The MX Responder supports up to 200 MX multi-sensor virtual detectors (Photoelectric and Heat, CO and Heat, Ionisation-only, Heat-only) and a range of functional bases, addressable callpoints, input modules, and output modules.


MXP Responder

PA0893 240 x 180 x 50 mm (PCB only)

Part Numbers:
FP0824 MXP Responder in box
PA0893 PCB Assy 1901-213 MX4428
LT0273 :MX4428 MXP Technical/Eng Manual

MXP Supports MX Addressable Device Technology

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