The MIM800 Mini Input Module monitors a voltage-free contact and transmits its state to the c.i.e. It can be programmed to monitor either Normally Open (default) or Normally Closed contacts. The MIMs can be programmed to monitor: · One circuit of multiple N/O contacts, with short circuit alarm. · One circuit of multiple N/C contacts, with open circuit alarm. · One circuit with a single N/O contact, closing for alarm, with fault detection for short circuit. The MIM801 is also available; it is optimised for normally closed applications and can generate an interrupt (only used when a fast response is required) on an open circuit. The MIM800 can operate an E500 Mk2 Series Remote Indicator. The input wiring must be as short as possible (less than 1m) and located well away from all electrical noise sources.
Use with MX1, MX4428, 4100ESi.
MIM800 | Specifications: Operating Voltage1 20 to 40Vdc |
+612 9700 1050
Unit 7 / 30 Perry Street, Matraville NSW 2036
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